
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Three Essential Mattress Care Accessories to Get at a Local Mattress Sale

Experts recommend replacing your mattress every 5 to 7 years, but a high quality product can last 10 years or more, especially if you take proper care for it. Aside from following the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions and other simple maintenance steps, you should think about investing in a few accessories that can help extend the lifespan of your mattress. The next time you head to a local mattress sale in the Sacramento area (or anywhere else), keep an eye out for these products. Splurging a little on them now can save you a lot in the long run.

Mattress Protectors

Your fitted linens and sheets don’t provide sufficient protection for your mattress, especially when it comes to spills. Skin oils, sweat, beverages and basically any liquid that soaks into the mattress can increase the risk of mold or mildew growth. Even worse, you may not notice an infestation until it has already taken a toll on your health. A mattress protector acts as a protective barrier to keep spills out of your mattress and easy to clean up. It also helps in guarding against dust, debris, dirt, oils, hair, skin cells, crumbs from food, and allergens. Just like linens, however, mattress protectors also need the occasional washing for it to do their job right. Read more from this article:

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