
Monday, November 19, 2018

How a Mattress Sale Can Help With the Effects of Sleep Deprivation

For centuries, scientists have been baffled by the existence of sleep. They say that it doesn’t fit the fabric of evolution because it prevents procreation and exposes the sleeper to predatory attacks. The simplest explanation they can come up with is that sleep’s benefits outweigh its drawbacks. True enough, sleeping has many positive effects on a person’s health and wellbeing. To better understand the importance of having enough sleep, perhaps it would be better to first know what could happen if you don’t get enough sleep.
Statistics show that 35 percent of males and 39 percent of females in the United States experience sleep deprivation. The average American gets up to 6.8 hours of sleep per day, but if you compare it with data from a century ago where the average American slept for around 9 hours per day, you’ll realize that the problem has gone up to an alarming state. Here’s why no one should experience sleep deprivation.